Thursday, May 31, 2012


First, use the vocabulary sheet to practice the farm animal vocab.  When you know the words really well, you can print and cut out the game cards and play "Go Fish" (you will need to print out four copies of the game card page so that each player can collect four of a kind).   Here are some phrases you will need to play the game:

  • Whose turn is it?  "¿A quién le toca?"
  • It's my turn.  "A mí me toca."  
  • It's your turn.  "A ti te toca."  
  • Do you have a . . . ?  "¿Tienes un/a. . .?"
  • Yes I have a . . .  "Sí.  Tengo un/a. . ."  
  • Take it.  "Toma."
  • No, I don't have a . . .  "No.  No tengo un/a."  
  • Go Fish!  "Ve a pescar."  (or "Pesca.")  
  • Good luck.  "Buena suerte."  
  • Too bad.  "¡Qué pena!"  
  • Fantastic.  "¡Fantástico!"
  • Congratulations!  "¡Felicidades!"  
  • Please.  "Por favor"  
  • Thanks.  "Gracias"  
  • You're welcome.  "De nada."